What I'm Reading - The New Jim Crow (& other thoughts)
This is a series of posts on the books I am reading or plan to read to further my anti-racism education. It is, like all things I attempt, a WIP.
True to form, I was slightly overly ambitious in my initial target with this project (a book a month). I think this is not the first time I’ve aimed for a book a month on a certain topic, when, in absolute truth I don’t read a book a month on any topic.
So I’m adjusting the plan here a bit. I’m aiming for a book every couple of months, but we’ll see - I’m just going to keep chipping away at it and sharing the books as I read them here, because making the first list of books after seeing all the recommendations going around was very helpful for me (and maybe it is for you, too).
What I’m currently reading:
The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander
(so dense! so good! so saddening/maddening) I’ve been alternating between a borrowed copy from my sis and the audiobook version from my library.
Emergent Strategy - adrienne marie brown
What my bedside shelf looks like (or - books I’m looking forward to reading:
the books by my bed (with a lucia la ferme silk mask for sleepin’ over a note from my acupuncturist, lol)
top to bottom: Emergent Strategy (as above), The Source of Self Regard - Toni Morrison, Red, White and Black make Blue: Indigo in the Fabric of Colonial South Carolina Life- Andrea Freeser, and Black Nature - Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry Edited by Camille T. Dungy.