Summer of Basics - results (or lack thereof?)
so here I am, Summer of Basics has just wrapped up, and I haven't *exactly* accomplished what I set out to - but this is a not a sad post, this is just a post to wrap things up, give some insight into my making process & share some thoughts I had along the way.
my sleeveless, half finished dress no 2
To recap, my Summer of Basics plan was:
1. A Cline Sweater
2. A Dress No. 2
3. A Peppermint Jumpsuit
To recap on the whole post, you can read that here.
To date I have:
1. a front and back of a Cline sweater out of AVFKW Pioneer, in colorway Sourdough (drool!)
2. a front and back of a dress no 2, sewn together and pinned to be hem... but I haven't managed to cut out the sleeves, pockets, or bias binding.... so....
3. no progress on the jumpsuit
These are my main thoughts from this whole process
1. I'm glad things like this exist, to get us thinking more broadly about our wardrobes, but also more critically about how we plan our making.
2. I don't really like putting goals or dates to my personal making - I end up pushing up against it and feeling not great about it
3. I love knitting with Pioneer <3
4. When I finish my Cline, I will have a full CA-sourced and made Climate Beneficial Wool outfit I can wear (see below) & that makes me STOKED.
5. I'm not so sure about sewing - tbh I only manage to do it in the company of others. maybe this is how i will sew going forward. or maybe I will allocate my budget for making instead to supporting small RTW garment makers that I love? Or maybe I will trade for sewn objects. mainly I am curious to know if I seemingly don't *like* sewing just because I am bad at it right now, or if I genuinely just don't like it? I'm gonna just keep checking in as I sew over time and see how it feels. time will tell on this one, I think.
Roku hat made from AVFKW Range (discontinued) - CA Climate Beneficial Wool
GDS Cloth Goods Smock made from Lani's CA Climate beneficial Rambouillet
there you have it. a (lack of) progress on my making plans, but a lot of joy this summer, a lot of slowing down, being outside, learning what I'm like when I'm falling in love in a healthy way. A lot of family time, a lot of boundary setting for myself and my work, and really, I'm pretty pleased with what I've gotten done so far.
Did you do summer of basics? What was your experience like? I'd love to hear yours!
your ani