EPISODE 42 :: Jess Mahaney of Muumuu - Wild Beginnings, Changing Directions & Finding Flow
photography by Mark Mahaney
The Close Knit podcast aims to hold space for conversation about the ways we use fiber to process world and life events
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In episode 42, I spoke to Jess Mahaney of Muumuu. Jess is someone whose designs stood out to me immediately when I saw them online this year. Jess was a little surprised when I asked her to come the podcast- her background and engagement with fiber is different to a lot of folks who’ve previously been on the podcast. What I love about Jess is the breadth of things that she brings to the table- a gumption & scrappiness that is inspiring, a willingness to get to work and a deep interest in design, clothing and getting dressed. Muumuu as a concept for Jess has been around for a long time - she never envisioned being a designer at this time in her life, about 7 years into raising a child- but as its struck her, she’s followed it and it feels like its “in the flow”, as she describes it.
She talks about the parts of herself that she felt went missing when she became a full time caretaker of her baby & how dressing herself was part of this. She sings the praises of linen, how it looks relaxed always and we talk about the ways that women, especially women designers, are changing the narrative around dressing and who we dress “for” and how.
We discuss her fear of not having the right language for describing what she wants, not thinking of herself truly as a “designer”. We discuss what it means to follow your impulses, to make more things in the world and the ethical quandaries that come up with that. Jess tells us what her ultimate vision for Muu Muu looks like (spoiler - it’s not just about clothing - clothing is really just the vehicle), and what’s on tap for her for the next couple of months.
People/ Things we mentioned in the podcast:
Debbie Ford: the dark side of the light chasers. (shadow work)
Elizabeth Suzann - great inspiration for Jess, in the way she runs her business & transparency goals (and me, too! )
Elizabeth Gilbert on ideas & their agency. (there are no new ideas, only new people), specifically Ani mentions this podcast episode
Beaton Linen : great linen overalls that Jess had designed something similar to & decided not to release as she felt theirs was better
Find Jess: website | instagram
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