EPISODE FIVE :: Lauren Hunter - Costume Making, Realising Designers' Visions, and Medieval Footwear


The Close Knit podcast showcases artists, designers, and makers from all over the world who work with fibre in its many forms. Knitters, spinners, sewers, textile artists - all will be celebrated on the Close Knit podcast.

This week on the Close Knit Podcast, I spoke to Lauren Hunter, who is a student of costume making at NIDA (the national institute of dramatic arts). We chat about how and why she got into costume making, her love of medieval footwear, and her interest in fibre in its many forms (think leather work).  Lauren loves the feeling that making something from start to finish gives her - so much so that she went back to school to study costume making.  Listen to the whole chat from the link above, or subscribe on itunes


People/ Things we mentioned in the podcast:

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Until next time! 



Close Knit Now Has a Podcast!

There is so much talent and beauty in the fibre arts world. It's all around us - social media, in magazines, workshops, retail spaces - and I'm constantly in awe of it.

So, I'm bringing you a recorded podcast, along with little blog posts, simply titled, the Close Knit Podcast, because these folks (mostly women, I've found - #thefutureisfemale) are just too good not to share. 

At first, I planned to make this a written series, and then my friend Caitlin (pictured above, center) suggested we chat these out and record the answers. And I thought, "like a podcast?" - and then I was really excited about making a podcast, as that's the way I most love consuming stories and interviews, so I changed gears and started recording my conversations with these ladies. 

Weavers, knitters, sewers, natural dyers, crochet-lovers, and everything in between. We'll get a peek into their work and lives, and get to know a bit about what got them started and what keeps them going. 

Can't wait to share these gems with you! 

