FREE PATTERN - Feel It All Shawl

The feel it all shawl is a free-form, decide-as-you-go, feel it shawl. Knit during a time when I was feeling a lotta things, I wanted something I could pick up and just decide what I wanted to do with it in that moment. no specific plan or destination, just a journey I could take with whatever I was feeling in that moment. 

I encourage you to feel your way through this shawl, just do whatever feels right or good to you in that moment - make mistakes, rip them out (or don't) and keep playing around. This is a good one to get your binge watch on on Netflix. For me it was Jane, the Virgin (highly recommend, btw just the right amount of stuff going on to be fun, but not so much going on that you have to pay *that* much attention) 

download your free "feel it all shawl" pattern here

What do you think? Will you give this improvisational shawl a crack? 



The Super Simple Beanie Pattern (Free Download) + A Shop Update

You might have noticed that I've been doing a bit of swapping around over here (or you probably didn't, and that's cool too!), so I wanted to pop the Super Simple Beanie up for you in this post to download, and let you know that my patterns from now on (free and paid) will be available through the link at the top navigation (Pattern Shop), which takes you to my Ravelry store! Not on Ravelry? It's free to join and there are tons of patterns. Not into Ravelry? Get in touch and we'll sort something out! 

Click HERE to download your free Super Simple Beanie Pattern. 



